Introducing PropCode's Rapid Planning Report

Introducing PropCode's Rapid Planning Report

Imagine a future where, in just a few minutes, an automated tool finds and analyses the critical planning rules for your DA project from among thousands of pages of local and state plans.

That future has arrived today with PropCode’s new Rapid Planning Report! What used to take hours now takes five minutes and zero effort with our tool that writes a fully automated report to kick-start your planning research.

What is Rapid Planning Report?

This tool produces much more than a simple list of planning maps, which has already been possible for years now with GIS systems. We have harnessed the new and mind-blowing power of AI to directly read planning rules and work out logical answers.

Project-specific rules for permissibility, maximum built quantity, key design requirements, and specific constraints are all found and analysed far quicker than any human expert could. For transparency, all rules referenced in the report have clickable citations to see the rule within its source document in the PropCode Library viewer.

Special cases that only appear in rule text but not in maps, e.g. lot width minimum or a special setback for corner lots, are picked up by our system. A planner recently told me that missing these on a project could represent a $10,000 cost to fix with the client.

Why use Rapid Planning Report?

With our Rapid Planning Report available for under $100 and written faster than you can drink a coffee, it’s a no-brainer to come to PropCode first on any project.

To celebrate our launch, we’re making it free to generate Rapid Planning Reports for the next few weeks, so please come check it out and give us your feedback! If your location is not yet covered, register for the waitlist to be notified when coverage expands.

Check out Rapid Planning Report now: