What is complying development (CDC)?

Learn about the fastest way to get a small residential project approved.

Start your journey with a free CDC Guide.

If you've got questions about CDCs, grab our free CDC Guide! You will learn about the CDC process, what typologies are available, how to find and use the CDC rules, and the average DA & CDC processing times in your Council.


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In NSW, most property developments such as new buildings and renovations require development consent from a consent authority. This consent can be given through a DA or a CDC.

Development application (DA)

DAs give Council a chance to fully consider whether they want to allow the proposal. The DA can be rejected if the Council does not support the proposal. This process often takes months even for small buildings like a single house.

Avg DA processing time = 75 days

For residential projects assessed by council officers

Complying development certificate (CDC)

For some specific development types on qualifying land, there is an alternate approval pathway called complying development. On this pathway, development will be automatically approved as a CDC if it meets certain pre-defined standards.

Avg CDC processing time = 22 days

For residential projects assessed by council officers


Steps to get approval via CDC

Ready to get your CDC report?

Instantly order a complying development report covering all the necessary information for your lot and housing type.