How PropCode Helps You

A summary table of CDC options on a property

The Problem: Regulations

Imagine this: you're an architect and you have been asked by a client, "What can we do on this site?" Or translated to its real meaning, "What are we allowed or not allowed to do by the planning regulations that apply here?"

Imagine this: you're a developer specialising in duplexes and you're looking for new sites to add to your pipeline, with the key question "Which sites are capable of getting fast-track approval for a duplex?" Or translated, "When all the planning regulations determining the fast-track approval capability are applied to all properties in the state, which sites pass every requirement?"

Whether for one site or many, people across the industry face this same question every day: "How can I figure out what the planning regulations allow at specific locations?"

The answer is a tough choice: either work it out yourself by wading through the maze of documents, clauses, and maps, or pay someone else to do that work for you.

Introducing PropCode

I'm a planning consultant who would have been earning the big bucks to wade through the maze on clients' behalf. With the power of technology today, and my own experience creating technical solutions in complex domains, I thought surely there is an opportunity here.

I talked about this opportunity with my friend Jonah who's got years of experience in software engineering and AI. He agreed this was really interesting, so we joined forces and set out on a journey to change the property industry.

We're introducing our new business PropCode, with a vision to provide automated, transparent, and trustworthy regulatory analysis to the property industry.

Complying Development (CDC) Analysis

In NSW, where I've been practicing as a consultant, there is a set of rules allowing complying development (CDC), which is development that can be automatically approved when various land requirements and design standards are met. This includes small residential projects like houses, secondary dwellings, duplexes, and even terraces.

Determining whether CDC building options exist on a site is a cumbersome process, because it's totally separate to the ordinary local plan rules for a development application (DA). In fact, there are hundreds of rules for residential CDC and dozens of maps that have to be checked.

How PropCode Helps You

PropCode's first product, already available now, is an analysis engine that processes all these rules and maps instantly to show which CDC options are allowed on a site. With our product, you can skip the time-consuming and costly work and quickly move forward with your project.

Users can get a report covering a single property for $99 exGST which includes:

  • the summary of which CDC building types are allowable
  • full audit trail of all rules checked to reach the answers
  • the relevant design rules, specific to the property, for allowable building types

Users with more frequent searches can sign up for a monthly subscription for $199/month exGST, giving access to:

  • four free reports per month
  • discounted price on additional reports
  • unlimited checks of summary CDC options on any address

We understand people need to see proof that our product delivers the right answer, so we are happy to offer free trials. Any sign-up for the subscription includes a 15-day free trial. For the single property report, property professionals and businesses can submit a trial request here.

This is just the first of many useful products we can offer the industry to make it easier to understand the regulations. Stay tuned to see what we come up with next!