CDC: Easiest Way to Develop 1-2 Story Residential

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Complying Development vs Development ApplicationDevelopment applications, DAs as they’re commonly known, are a way to obtain approval for property development from your local council. However, these applications can take months, with the NSW 2020 av...

Streamline your Next Duplex or Medium Density Project with CDC

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Getting building approval can be a large unknown factor in any development project. development applications (DAs) can take months to get approved, and there is a lot of uncertainty in the process. It can significantly blow out a project timeline and increase project holding costs. On the other h...

Save Time on Your Home Building Project with a CDC

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If you're planning a knockdown rebuild, building a new home, or undertaking home renovations, you may be aware that obtaining council approval is an essential part of the process. But did you know that you can save a lot of time and money with a Complying Development Certificate (CDC)? In thi...

Some recent changes to CDC rules

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Rule updates
If you regularly work on projects with CDC in NSW, you would need to keep an eye out for any rule changes so you're not making any costly mistakes. Here at PropCode we also check the rules frequently so we can ensure our automated platform is fully up to date!Here are some rules...

How PropCode Helps You

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A summary table of CDC options on a property
The Problem: RegulationsImagine this: you're an architect and you have been asked by a client, "What can we do on this site?" Or translated to its real meaning, "What are we allowed or not allowed to do by the planning regulations that appl...